Author/Editor     Topalovič, Mitja
Title     Vnetne bolezni ščitnice
Translated title     Inflammatory diseases of thyroid gland
Type     članek
Source     In: Hojs R, Krajnc I, Pahor A, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj in praktikum Iz prakse za prakso z mednarodno udeležbo. 13. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine; 2002 maj 10-11; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 33-45
Language     slo
Abstract     The diagnostic term thyroiditis includes a group of inflammatory or inflammatory-like conditions. The following nomenclature takes into account the cause when known. Infectious thyroiditis includes all forms of infection, other than viral. The disorder is rare. Subacute thyroiditis, commonly known as DeQuervain's thyroiditis, is most likely of viral origin, lasts for a week to a few months, with a tendency to recur. The syndromes of thyroid autoimmunity are two intimately related illnesses: Graves' disease with goitre, hyperthyroidism and, in many patients, associated ophthalmopathy, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis with goitre and euthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The syndromes are related through their similar thyroid pathology, similar immune mechanisms, co-occurrence in family groups, and the transition from one clinical picture to the other within the same individual over time. Riedel's thyroiditis is another disorder of unknown aetiology. This condition is characterised by the overgrowth of connective tissue, which often ežends into neighbouring structures.
Descriptors     THYROIDITIS