Author/Editor     Filipič, Metka
Title     Mutagene in antimutagene učinkovine v hrani: povzročitelji in preprečevalci raka
Translated title     Food mutagens and antimutagens: inducers and inhibitors of cancer
Type     članek
Source     In: Mlinarič A, Kristl J, editors. Prehranska dopolnila - zdravila ali hrana: podiplomsko strokovno izobraževanje. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za farmacijo,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 116-27
Language     slo
Abstract     Three major factors for human carcinogenesis are (i) cigarette smoking, (ii) infection and inflammation and (iii) nutrition and dietary factors. Nutrition and dietary factors include two categories of factors influencing cancer development, namely genotoxic agents implicated in tumor initiation and constituents implicated in tumor promotion and progression. This article describes the genotoxic agents as microcomponents. The most important are mutagens and carcinogens in cooked food (heterocyclic amines), N-nitrozamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to which humans are continuously exposed in an ordinary lifestyle. Nutritional factors on the other hand play a rnajor role in cancer prevention. In particular fruits and vegetables contain different substances, which were proven to prevent cancer development at diffenet stages. Those include vitamins, carotens and non-nutritive components like phenoles, indoles etc. Studies of nutrition and dietary condition together with supplementation of chemopreventive agents will eventually lead us to cancer prevention, namely delay of onset of cancer to the late phase of human life, which is called 'natural-end cancer'.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS