Author/Editor     Potočnik, Maja Marija
Title     Sproščanje in dihanje
Translated title     Relaxation and breathing
Type     članek
Source     In: Potočnik MM, editor. Gradivo 19. strokovnega seminarja Respiracijska in kardiovaskularna fizioterapija; 2000 jun; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo fizioterapevtov Slovenije, Sekcija za respiratorno in kardiovaskularno fizioterapijo,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 37-44
Language     slo
Abstract     Therapists should learn to observe signs of stress and tension in their patients. When these signs are noted, relaxation techniques may be beneficial and should be included in therapy. Relaxation is connected with breathing and for that reason is very important for patients with pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.
Descriptors     LUNG DISEASES