Author/Editor     Pahor, Majda
Title     Teoretična in metodološka izhodišča raziskave o medicinskih sestrah v SLoveniji
Translated title     Theoretical and methodological background of the research study about nurses in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Klemenc D, Pahor M, editors. Medicinske sestre v Sloveniji. Zbornik člankov s Strokovnega srečanja z mednarodno udeležbo Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 2001 dec 4; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 19-26
Language     slo
Abstract     The decision to perform a large research study in a not very much researched field of nursing in Slovenia is not contingent. The aim of the article is to present the contež of this decision and its background. The theoretical basis of the study is discussed, based on the conceptualization of the research subject by the comissioner and the researchers as well as the reasons for choosing research strategy and methods. The author discusses ethical considerations of the research. Finnally, she presents the implications of the research findings for the nursing practice and for further research as well as their limitations.