Author/Editor     Kvas, Andreja
Title     Stališča mediciskih sester v Sloveniji do izobraževanja
Translated title     The Slovenian nurses's attitudes of education
Type     članek
Source     In: Klemenc D, Pahor M, editors. Medicinske sestre v Sloveniji. Zbornik člankov s Strokovnega srečanja z mednarodno udeležbo Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 2001 dec 4; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 84-95
Language     slo
Abstract     Education is a life-long and permanent process that is being performed both formally and informally. Formal education is mostly organized at schools whereas informal education which is often unintentionally carried out at all ages in different situations. The author is mainly interested in nurses' education after graduation from secondary school, ways and means of learning, ambition for continuing formal education, parents' education, social support during their study, position at work, satisfaction with the working setting, and evaluation of current health situation based on the level of education. This is essential to quality of work and thus greater satisfaction of patients and health care workers. Permanent education is a necessity because of the fast development of the health care.
Descriptors     NURSES