Author/Editor     Marinček, Črt
Title     Amputacije in protetika nekoč
Type     članek
Source     In: Burger H, editor. Amputacije in protetika. Zbornik predavanj 13. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2002 mar 15-16; Ljubljana. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 215-23
Language     slo
Abstract     The history of prosthetics in Slovenia can be followed from iron hand from Slovenia (XVlth century) and prosthetist Jože Veršič (1775-1847). Howeveras the official origin of prosthetics in Slovenia the establishment of Governmental prosthetic workshop on March 1st, 1919, can be considered. It was very important for many soldiers with amputation from 1st World war. Excellent textbook on wooden prostheses was published by Dr. Minarž, orthopaedic surgeon from Ljubljana in 1972. Some interesting chapters are as follows: The material for the artificial leg of wood (Chapter 4) The orthopaedic establishment "Rizzoli" at Bologne (Italy) has performed a series of experiments with various materials suitable for the construction of artificial legs. They have shown: "Wood is the best material for artificial limbs on account of its durability, cheapness and homogeneousness. The soft lime tree wood is suitable for construction of artificial legs, the hard nut wood, the beech wood as also the alder serve for production of wooden legs or pilons. The Americans use the soft "English Willow" of Philadelphia and they are very satisfied. Wood has only one fault being a little hygroscopical. The willow is more hygroscopical than other sorts of wood. That can be avoided by impregnation with celluloid or paraffine. The experiments of artificial limbs hold better together than those glued diagonally". Stump (Chapter 9) The stumps in consequence of operation in times of peace are very different from those effected during the last war. They shown several defects in as much as they are short, conic and ulcerated. This concerns especially the stumps of osteoplastical operations by Lisfranc, Chopart, Syme, then stump by Pirogoff and Gritti-operation, which can be furnished better with leather prosthesis. The legstumps shorter than 5-10 cm are not suitable to be furnished with artificial limb of wood. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Descriptors     AMPUTATION