Author/Editor | Ščavničar, Ema | |
Title | Subjekt in objekt v odnosu med medicinsko sestro in bolnikom | |
Translated title | Subject and object in the relationship between nurse and patient | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Obz Zdrav Nege | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 36, št. 1 | |
Publication year | 2002 | |
Volume | str. 41-4 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The article presents the relationship between patient/client and nurse. The autthor stresses the role of a subject of both partners and stresses the importance of nursing care in conceptual frame within which patient occupies the centre, while nurse supports his active role within his capacities. The importance of supervision is also stressed which can be of great help to the nurse, as well as routine reflection upon work and relationship. | |
Summary | V članku je predstavljeno razmišljanje o odnosu med bolnikom/varovancem in med medicinsko sestro. Avtorica poudarja vlogo subjekta pri obeh partnerjih. Daje velik pomen zdravstveni negi, ki temelji na konceptualnem okviru, v katerem je bolnik center in medicinska sestra pri njem vspodbuja aktivno vlogo glede na njegove sposobnosti. V zaključku omenja supervizijo kot pomoč medicinski sestri in poudarja potrebo po stalni refleksiji dela in odnosa. | |