Author/Editor     Maček, V; Hogg, JC
Title     The persistence of respiratory viruses in asthma: the host response in viral bronchiolitis and asthma
Type     članek
Source     Eur Respir Rev
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. 64
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 1108-10
Language     eng
Abstract     Viral infections can precipitate asthmatic attacks in patients with estabished asthma. Whether the virus influences asthma by triggering a specific response n a susceptible host phenotype predisposed to developing asthma or it simply drives he inflammation responsible for the asthma remains to be determined. Not all chillren infected with respiratory syncytial virus develop bronchiolitis and the children vho do are more likely to develop asthma later in their life. The presented study shows that the treatment of bronchiolitic illness as if it were an asthmatic attack lowxed the respiratory rate of infants and reduced the number of days with wheezing in a 3 month postbronchiolitic period. In these infants, delayed hypersensitivity to tuberculin was negative during acute bronchiolitis and during subsequent episodes of wheezing indicating a shift in the host response from T-helper (Th)1 to Th2 type. Mother study searching for viruses in lower airways in children with persistent obstruction following an episode of acute bronchiolitis revealed adenovirus in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in a significant percentage of these children and showed some evidence of its persistence. Whether or not asthma in these children was caused by the persistence of the virus remains to be determined.
Descriptors     ASTHMA