Author/Editor     Petrovič, Nataša; Seljak, Gabrijel
Title     Laboratorijsko določanje rumenic na vinski trti
Translated title     Laboratory methods for the detection of grapevine yellow disease
Type     članek
Source     In: Puconja M, editor. Vinogradi in vina za tretje tisočletje?: vinogradništvo, vinarstvo, ekonomika in trženje. Zbornik referatov. 2. Slovenski vinogradniško-vinarski kongres z mednarodno udeležbo ; 2002 jan 31 - feb 2; Otočec. Celje: Strokovno društvo vinogradnikov Slovenije,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 199-202
Language     slo
Abstract     We are in the process of transferring, developing, and introducing new molecular-based technologies for detection of phytoplasmas which cause grapevine yellows diseases (Flavescence doree and Bois noir). Introduction of new methods should enable us to estimate the impact of each pathogen on grapevine, evaluate it's importance, and monitor it's presence and spread, respectively. We present a short review of detection methods and their potential importance for the routine use in phytosanitary control and grapevine clonal selection certification schemes in Slovenia.
Descriptors     FRUIT