Author/Editor     Urbančič, Gorazd
Title     Contribution to the knowledge of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the reservoir Ledavsko jezero, NE Slovenia
Translated title     Prispevek k poznavanju mladoletnic (Trichoptera) Ledavskega jezera, SV Slovenija
Type     članek
Source     Acta Entomol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 9, št. 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 129-34
Language     eng
Abstract     The list of 27 caddisfly species caught by light-trap at the reservoir Ledavsko jezero is given. The light trap has operated in three different seasons of the year (spring, summer and autumn) for four hours a day starting at sunset. Two species, Triaenodes bicolor and Oecetis ochracea are new to the caddisfly fauna of Slovenia, whereas species Ironoquia dubia and Hydropsyche modesta were caught before only in the larval stage. The species Goera pilosa is on the Red list of endangered Slovenian Trichoptera.
Summary     Sedemindvajset vrst mladoletnic je bilo ulovljenih na svetlobno past ob Ledavskem jezeru. Svetlobna past je bila vključena v trek različnih letnih časih (spomladi, poleti in v jeseni) po 4 ure na dan, s pričetkom ob sončnem zahodu. Vrsti Triaenodes bicolor in Oecetis ochracea sta novi v favni Slovenije, medtem ko sta Ironoquia dubia in Hydropsyche modesta bili pred tem najdeni le v stadiju ličinke. Goera pilosa je vrsta iz rdečega seznama ogroženih mladoletnic Slovenije.
Descriptors     INSECTS