Author/Editor     Andolšek-Jeras, L
Title     Korištenje rezultata proučavanja veštačkog prekida trudnoće u rutinskom radu ginekoloških odeljenja
Translated title     The use of induced-abortion research results in the routine work of gynecological departments
Type     članek
Source     Med Pregl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 11-12
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 467-70
Language     srh
Abstract     The article presents the evaluation of the application of the results proceeding from 25 clinical-epidemiologic studies in the field of induced abortion (IA). They were performed with the aim of optimizing the whole procedure and the diminishing of early complications at the former Family Planning Institute and at the University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ljubljana in the period from 1968 to 1988. On the basis of accesible data provided by official statistics and the results obtained by the aimed evaluation survey performed at all Slovenian gynecological departments and in some other Yugoslav health-care facilities, the following can be concluded: 1. the results obtained by the studies could be used more efficiently in routine work at gynecological departments, 2. permanent evaluation of the complete IA procedure concerning the behavior of women and operators is a necessity, and 3. a periodical evaluation is needed after the results of new studies have been introduced. Beside all this, an agreement would be necessary regarding the doctrinary approach to the IA procedure on a certain territory with the same characteristics of women and the same conditions for work. Additional studies of new, nonsurgical methods of pregnancy interruption with new prostaglandin analogues and antiprogesterones are needed, and a more intensive dissemination of results in proffesional, as well as in popular press releases, should be provided for
Descriptors     ABORTION, INDUCED