Avtor/Urednik     Strmšnik, L; Pogačnik, M; Čebulj-Kadunc, N; Kosec, M
Naslov     Proučevanje pojatvenega cikla in zgodnjega razvoja zarodka pri ovci s transrektalno ultrasonografijo
Prevedeni naslov     Examination of oestrus cycle and early pregnancy in sheep using transrectal ultrasonography
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Vet Res
Vol. in št.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 47-57
Jezik     slo, eng
Abstrakt     The subject of our research was the oestrus cycle and period of early pregnancy in primiparous Jezersko Solčavska - Romanov cross-breed sheep. In particular, we investigated variations in the size and number of follicles and the concentrations of progesterone and 17-beta-estradiol as well as the reliability of a transrectal linear 7.5 MHz ultrasound probe. Twenty days after ovulation the animals, whose oestrus cycles were synchronised by using progesterone sponges, were divided into two groups; one group of pregnant animals and another of non-pregnant animals. After the progesterone sponges were removed, 65% of the animals ovulated within 48 to 72 hours and a further 20% within 72 to 96 hours. Prior to ovulation, the number of follicles >= 4 mm in both groups averaged 2.32 +- 0.91, the diameter of ovulatory follicles averaged 5.52 +- 1.12 mm and the average ovulation rate was 1.76. The number of follicles >= 4 mm was indistinguishable between the pregnant and non-pregnant animals until the 16th day of their cycle or pregnancy and in follicles >= 2 < 4 mm until the 20th day. Based on the appearance of luteolysis and changes in the uterus, it can be concluded that the level of early embryo mortality amounted to 36.5% and that it occurred in 40.5% of the animals. In both groups, the concentration of progesterone reached its highest level on the 6th day of their cycles. The reliability of the transrectal ultrasound examination was 83% on the 16th day of pregnancy and reached 100% by the 20th day. On the 23rd day of pregnancy the heartbeat of all foetuses was visible.
Izvleček     Pri jagnjicah oplemenitene jezersko-solčavske pasme smo po sinhronizaciji z vaginalnimi progesteronskimi vložki (VPV) proučevali pojatveni ciklus in zgodnjo brejost s transrektalno linearno 7,5 MHz ultrazvočno sondo. Spremljali smo tudi nihanje hormonov progesterona in 17beta-estradiola v krvi. Živali smo 20. dan po ovulaciji razdelili v skupino brejih in skupino nebrejih. Pri 65 % živali se je pojavila ovulacija 48 do 72 ur, pri 20 % pa 72 do 96 ur po odstranitvi VPV. Povprečno število velikih foliklov (>= 4 mm) pred ovulacijo je bilo 2,32 +- 0,91, premer 5,52 +- 1,12 mm, stopnja ovulacije pa 1,76. število malih foliklov (>= 2 < 4 mm) se ni razlikovalo med brejimi in nebrejimi živalmi vse do 20. dneva cikla oz. brejosti, število velikih foliklov pa do 16. dneva. Pojav votline v rumenih telesih ni povezan z uspešno oploditvijo. Glede na čas začetka razkroja rumenega telesa in sprememb v maternici sklepamo, da je zgodnja embrionalna smrtnost 36,5-odstotna oz. se je pojavila pri 40,5% živali. Vsebnost progesterona je pri brejih in nebrejih živalih že 6. dan brejosti oz. cikla dosegla najvišjo vrednost. Zanesljivost ultrazvočnega pregleda na brejost skozi danko je bila 16. dan 83-odstotna, 20. dan pa že 100-odstotna. Bitje srca je bilo vidno pri vseh plodovih 23. dan brejosti.
Deskriptorji     ESTRUS