Author/Editor     Rakuljič-Zelov, S; Zadnik, T
Title     Hematološki in biokemični profil krav z zasukom maternice
Translated title     Haematological and biochemical profile of cows affected with with uterine torsion
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 59-68
Language     slo, eng
Abstract     Twelve cows affected with uterine torsion were included in clinical and laboratory observations. We examined the occurrence of uterine torsion, its duration, the influence of uterine torsion on calf survival, the sex and approx. weight of calves, the breed of animals with uterine torsion, their housing conditions and the haematological and biochemical profile of the animals included in the study. Laboratory analyses were performed at the Veterinary Faculty in Ljubljana with an electronic Animal Blood Counter and the biochemical analyser Cobas Mira - La Roche. The period of the year, housing conditions and the breed of the animals were identified as the risk factors for uterine torsion. Increased potassium concentrations were determined in the group of animals in which uterine torsions lasted from 6 to 11 hours. Significant changes in the white-blood-cell count were observed, including leucocytosis, neutrophilia and lymphopenia. The last two are the consequence of increased blood concentration of ACTH and adrenaline. In our opinion uterine torsion in cattle is a painful abdominal disorder which has to be treated no later than 6 hours after the first clinical signs.
Summary     Pregledali smo kri 12 krav , ki so imele zavito maternico. S klinično preiskavo smo ugotavljali pojavljanje bolezni, vpliv trajanja zasuka na preživetje teleta, položaj porodnice, obliko stojišča, spol in težo telet ter pasmo porodnic. Hematološko in biokemično analizo krvi so opravili v kliničnem laboratoriju Veterinarske fakultete v Ljubljani z elektronskim števcem Animal Blood Counter in z biokemijskim analizatorjem Cobas Mira - La Roche. Ugotovili smo, da so letni čas, oblika stojišča in pasma govedi dejavniki tveganja za nastanek zasuka maternice. V skupini krav, pri katerih je zasuk maternice trajal od 6 do 11 ur, smo ugotovili povečane vrednosti kalija. S hematološko analizo smo ugotovili močno levkocitozo, veliko povečanje odstotka segmentiranih levkocitov in močno limfopenijo. Menimo, da je zasuk maternice boleč patološki proces, ki nujno zahteva veterinarsko porodniško pomoč najkasneje 6 ur po pojavu prvih kliničnih znamenj.