Avtor/Urednik     Korošec, Dean; Holobar, Aleš; Divjak, Matjaž; Zazula, Damjan
Naslov     Dynamic VRML for simulated training in medicine
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kokol P, Stiglic B, Zorman M, et al, editors. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE symposium on computer-based medical systems (CBMS 2002); 2002 Jun 4-7; Maribor. Los Alamitos: Institute of electrical and electronics engineers,
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 205-10
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Medicine is a difficult thing to learn. Experimenting with real patients should not be the only option, simulation deserves a special attention here. Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) as a tool to build virtual objects and scenes has a good record of educational applications in medicine, especially for static and animated visualisations of body parts and organs. However, to create computer simulations resembling situations in real environments the demanded level of interactivity and dynamics is difficult to achieve. In the present paper we describe some approaches and techniques which we used to push the limits of the current VRML technology further toward dynamic 3D representation of virtual environments. Our demonstration is based on the implementation of a virtual baby model, whose vital signs can be controlled from an external Java application. The main contribution of this work is a proposal for a modified VRML TimerSensor implementation, which greatly improves the overall control of system performance.