Author/Editor | Zlatar, Katica | |
Title | Vloga medicinske sestre pri elektrokavterju | |
Translated title | Role of the nurse in electrocautery | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Endoskopska revija | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 7, št. 18 | |
Publication year | 2002 | |
Volume | str. 138-406 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The use of electrocautery in therapeutic bronchoscopy is presented. Electrocautery successfully removes malignant or benign endobronchial tumours obstructing central airways. The procedure is simple, performed in local anaesthesia by flexible or rigid bronchoscope. The patients dyspnoea is relieved and the quality of his/her life is improved. The paper deals with the role of the nurse in the use of electrocautery. A special attention is paid to the specificity of the nursing care prior to, during and after the procedure. | |
Summary | V prispevku je prikazana uporaba elektrokavterja pri terapevtski bronhoskopiji. Z elektro resekcijo odstranjujemo endobronhialne maligne in benigne tumorje, ki zapirajo dihalne poti. Poseg je enostaven, opravimo ga v lokalni anesteziji z upogljivim ali s togim bronhoskopom. Bolniku tako olajšamo dihanje in izboljšamo kakovost njegovega življenja. Prispevek opisuje vlogo medicinske sestre pri uporabi elektrokavterja. Poudarjena je specifika skrbi za bolnika pred, med in po preiskavi. | |