Author/Editor     Šeruga, Tomaž
Title     Endovascular treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations
Translated title     Endovaskularno zdravljenje intrakranialnih arteriovenskih malformacij
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 3
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 201-8, 252
Language     eng
Abstract     Baekground. The aim of the study was the introduction of endovascular interventional treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVM) with superselective embolization with cyanoacrylic polymerisation agent. Case reports. Endovascular embolization was performed in five patients with cerebral AVMs. Three of these patients were presented with intracerebral haemathomas whereas in other two patients, cerebral AVM was an ineidental finding. Superseleetive catheterisation of AVMs was performed and aerylic glue was selectively injected into the nidus. Conclusions. Control eerebral angiography after embolization of AVM showed different results. In one patient, AVM was totally occluded after three sessions and in second case AVM was occluded in a single session. The rate of occlusion in other two cases was estimated between 70% in 80%. Both of these two patients underwent surgery. One patient is still in the process of treatment. Endovascular treatment of cerebral AVMs with superselective embolization with liquid cyanoaerilyc adhesive agent is a safe and effective alternative treatment paths next to mierosurgery. Endovascular treatment in combination with radiosurgery could become the method of choice in the therapy of cerebral AVMs in the future.
Summary     Izhodišča. Namen članka je prikazati uvajanje intervencijskega endovaskularnega zdravljenja arteriovenskih malformacij možganskega ožilja (AVM) z embolizacijo s tekočim cianoakrilatnim polimerizatom. Prikazi primerov. Endovaskularni način zdravljenja smo uporabili pri petih bolnikih z AVM. Pri dveh bolnikih sta bili malformaciji odkriti naključno, ob pregledu z računalniško tomografijo, trije bolniki pa so utrpeli možgansko krvavitev. Z uporabo mikrokatetrov smo superselektivno kateterizirali intracerebralno ležeče malformacije in jih poskušali v čim večji meri embolizirati s tekočim cianoakrilatnim polimerizatom. Zaključki. Kontrolne angiografije možganskega ožilja po embolizaciji AVM so pokazale različne rezultate. Ena izmed AVM je bila po treh posegih v celoti embolizirana, druga pa po enem samem posegu. Pri ostalih dveh bolnikih je bil odstotek embolizacije med 70% in 80%. Oba bolnika sta bila kasneje operirana. Pri tretji bolnici zdravljenje še traja. Bolnika, ki nista utrpela možganske krvavitve, sta naslednji dan po embolizaciji zapustila bolnišnico. Intervencijsko endovaskularno zdravljenje AVM možganskega ožilja s superselektivno embolizacijo s tekočim cianoakrilatnim polimerizatom, predstavlja učinkovit dopolnilni način ob uveljavljeni mikrokirurški terapiji, skupaj z radiokirurgijo pa verjetno tudi način zdravljenja AVM v prihodnosti.