Author/Editor     Krajnc, O; Vogrin, B; Hajdinjak, D; Molan-Štiglic, M; Vogrin, M
Title     Pediater na sekundarni ravni ter otrok in mladostnik z rakom
Translated title     The role of the paediatrician at the secondary level in treating the child and adolescent cancer patient
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 9, št. 2-3
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 129-32
Language     slo
Abstract     The authors present the work of the paediatrician at the secondary level within the framework of the multidisciplinary treatment of child and adolescent cancer patients. The study included children and adolescents with cancer admitted to the Department of Paediatrics and various surgical departments of the Maribor Teaching Hospital between 1. 1. 1992 and 31. 12. 2001. The retrospective study included the number and type of cancer patients, suspect symptoms and signs of disease, investigations, and cooperation with the Centre for Paediatric Haematooncology of the Ljubljana University Paediatric Hospital in further cytostatic and supportive treatment. During this period, 62 patients were admitted to hospital. In 31 children and adolescents, the signs of disease were suspicious for cancer. In all cases the suspicion was confirmed by additional investigations. In 37 cases we cooperated with the Centre for Paediatric Haematooncology in maintenance chemotherapy and supportive treatment. Cancer in children and adolescents represents a responsible task for the paediatrician at the secondary level, requiring good cooperation with the Centre for Paediatric Hematooncology and constant improvement of expert knowledge.
Summary     V prispevku avtorji prikažejo delo pediatra na sekundarni ravni v okviru multidisciplinarnega zdravljenja otrok in mladostnikov z rakom. V študijo so vključeni otroci in mladostniki z rakom, ki so bili hospitalizirani na Kliničnem oddelku za pediatrijo in na kirurških oddelkih Splošne bolnišnice Maribor od 1. 1. 1992 - 31. 12. 2001. Retrospektivna študija vključuje število bolnikov z rakom, sumljivimi bolezenskimi znamenji, preiskave, sodelovanje s Centrom za pediatrično hemato-onkologijo Pediatrične klinike v Ljubljani pri nadaljnjem kemoterapevtskem in podpornem zdravljenju. V tem obdobju je bilo hospitaliziranih 62 bolnikov. Pri 31 otrocih in mladostnikih so bila bolezenska znamenja sumljiva za rakavo bolezen. Pri vseh bolnikih smo sum potrdili še z dodatnimi preiskavami. S Centrom za pediatrično hemato-onkologijo smo sodelovali pri 37 bolnikih pri vzdrževalni kemoterapiji in podpornem zdravljenju. Rak pri otrocih in mladostnikih predstavlja za pediatra na sekundarni ravni odgovorno delo, sodelovanje s Centrom za pediatrično hemato-onkologijo pa zahteva stalno strokovno izpopolnjevanje.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS