Avtor/Urednik     Brunčko, A; Homšak, M; Skerbinjek-Kavalar, M
Naslov     Obravnava otrok z akutno okužbo dihal
Prevedeni naslov     Approach to children with acute respiratory infection
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 9, št. 2-3
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 146-50
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The authors wish to present statistical differences in the frequency of acute respiratory infections between the years 1997 and 2000 in different Slovene regions. They established that the number of respiratory infections in children decreased in the majority of Slovene regions, except in Celje. The greatest number of patients with respiratory infections were found in the age group from one to six years. The authors emphasize the importance of an extensive history and have found the smiley face to be the best way of allowing children to speak about their respiratory symptoms. To prevent doctors omitting an important part of the physical examination, the authors propose the introduction of a special questionnaire. Each finding must be encircled when the doctor is in agreement. If not, then doctor must add a short description of his finding. The description of the most important investigations then follows. They are necessary for confirmation or exclusion of the working diagnostic hypothesis. Finally, the authors agree that investigations are needed with both rapid and accurate results.
Izvleček     Avtorji prikazujejo statistične razlike v pogostosti posameznih okužb dihal leta 1997 in leta 2000 v različnih slovenskih regijah. Ugotovili so, da so okužbe dihal v večini področij v upadanju, razen v celjski regiji. Največje število bolnikov z okužbami dihal najdemo v starosti od 1 do 6 let. V nadaljevanju avtorji poudarijo pomen pravilne anamneze in pristopa k otroku pred kliničnim pregledom. Da zdravnik ne bi spregledal pomembne podrobnosti, predlagajo poseben obrazec, v katerem bi moral obkrožiti odgovor, s katerim se strinja, ali pa dodati kratek opis, če je našel kaj posebnega. Sledi opis najpomembnejših preiskav, ki so potrebne za potrditev ali zavrnitev delovne diagnoze, ki smo jo postavili po opravljeni anamnezi in kliničnem pregledu. Avtorji se v zaključku strinjajo, da so potrebne preiskave, ki dajejo hitre, a vendar natančne rezultate.