Author/Editor | Debeljak, Bernarda | |
Title | Priljubljenost mleka in mlečnih izdelkov med osnovnošolci | |
Translated title | Popularity of milk and dairy products among pupils | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vars | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 41, št. 7-8 | |
Publication year | 2002 | |
Volume | str. 263-7 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The purpose of this survey was to find out milk and different diary products liking among students. 73 pupils from Primary School Orehek, Kranj, aged 12 to 13, 34 boys and 39 girls, have been interviewed. The Survey results have shown that children like milk and dairy products. One third of pupils refuse hot milk in bowls, 14% refuse cold milk, and only 3% of them refuse hotchocolate milk. 76% of pupils like ordinary yoghurt, but they prefer it in paper cups to tetrapack. 87% of pupils like fruit yoghurt, only 5% refuse it. They prefer fruit cottage cheese to plain one. Soft cheese is given preference to gouda cheese. 26% do not like the trapist orgouda cheese. They prefer sour cream to sweet cream. 45% do not like butter. Their favourite dairy product is ice-cream (99%). The risk factor of unhealthy nutrition can not be totally eliminated, therefore all teachers, parents and pupils have to be oriented towards healthy and recommendable nutrition by all educational means. | |
Summary | Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti priljubljenost mleka in mlečnih izdelkov. V anketo je bilo vključenih 73 osnovnočolcev Osnovne šole Orehek iz Kranja v starosti od 12 do 13 let, 34 dečkov in 39 deklic. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da imajo učenci radi mleko in mlečne izdelke. Tretjina učencev zavrača toplo mleko v skodelici, hladno 14%, le 3% učencev zavrača čokoladno mleko. Navadni jogurt v lončku imajo raje kot v tetrapaku in ugaja 76% učencev. Sadni jogurt ugaja 87%, le 5% učencev pa ga zavrača. Raje imajo sadno skuto kot skuto brez dodatkov. Topljeni sir imajo raje kot sirgauda. Trapist ali gauda ne ugajata 26% učencev. Kislo smetano imajo raje kot sladko. 45% učencev ne mara masla. Med mlečnimi izdelki imajo najraje sladoled (99%). Nepravilna prehrana je dejavnik tveganja, zato moramo k izobraževanju o pravilni in priporočljivi prehrani pritegniti vse učitelje, starše in učence. | |