Avtor/Urednik     Prelesnik, Uroš
Naslov     Kajenje kot dejavnik tveganja pri nastanku starostne katarakte in glavkoma
Prevedeni naslov     Smoking as a risk factor in the development of senile cataract and glaucoma
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 41, št. 7-8
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 268-70
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background: In the article was described the connection between cigarette smoking and age related cataract and glaucoma. Case histories of our patients showed that a lot of people were smokers, so we wanted to research possible connections. Methods: 250 patients where analysed and the number of cigarettes smoked per day and duration ofsmoking (in years) were established. The patients were examined on the slitlamp and the eye pressure was measured. Classical statistical methods (chi-square, odds ratio) were used. Results and conclusion: Analysis shows the connection between cigarette smoking and age related cataract and glaucoma. Risk for the onset of age related cataract increases with increasing of SI. But there is no important difference in the onset of glaucoma regarding SI. It is very interesting, that risk for the onset of age related cataract at nonsmokers is very similar the risk in group of smokers with SI <600. This study calls our attention to the harmful effects of smoking on some eye diseases. This is important for the counseling regarding a more healthy life style.
Izvleček     Ozadje: Pri dolgoletnih kadilcih smo ugotavljali povezavo med kajenjem in starostno katarakto. Pri pregledih smo iz anamnez ugotavljali, da je število kadilcev precejšnje, zato smo želeli raziskati morebitno povezavo. Metode: Analizirali smo 250 bolnikov, pri katerih smo ugotavljali dnevno količino pokajenih cigaret in dobo kajenja (v letih). Pregledali smo jih na špranjski svetilki in jim izmerili očesni tlak z aplanacijskim tonometrom. Uporabili smo klasične statistične metode (hi kvadrat razmerje obetov). Rezultati in zaključek: Analiza kaže na povezavo med kajenjem in nastankom katarakte oz. glavkoma. Tveganje za nastanek katarakte raste z večanjem IK, medtem ko pri glavkomu ni bistvenih razlik glede na IK. Zanimivo pa je, da tveganje za nastanek katarakte pri kadilcih z IK < 600 ni bistveno drugačno kot pri nekadilcih. Tudi ta analiza opozarja na škodljivost kajenja, kar je pomembno pri preventivnem svetovanju in lahko vodi k bolj zdravemu življenjskemu slogu.
Deskriptorji     SMOKING