Avtor/Urednik     Jones, Dianne
Naslov     Programi ZUIM Kamnik za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami
Prevedeni naslov     Programmes at the Centre for education and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with special needs, Kamnik, Slovenia
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Neubauer D, Osredkar D, editors. Izbrana poglavja 2. podiplomskega tečaja otroške nevrologije; 2001 okt - 2002 jun; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Ustanova za otroško nevrologijo,
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 1-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The Centre for Education and Rehabilitation of Physically-Handicapped Children and Adolescents, Kamnik, is a govermnent institution, which provides rebular educational, medical, rehabilitation and psychosocial services to motor-impaired and chronically ill children and adolescents from throughout Slovenia. 170-175 children and adolesccnts, aged 6- 21 years, attend the centre, 41% of whom have cerebral palsy, 12% neuromuscular disorders and myelomeningocoele, while 8% have suffered head injuries. 42% of children are moderately motor impaired, requiring regular assistance with activities of daily life (DA), 21% are severely motor impaired and are totally dependent on assistance for all DA. With the introduction of laws, which are aimed at the integration of children with special needs into the regular school system, our programmes have been modified to meet the needs of the 6 increasingly more severely motor impaired and multiply impaired children, who are being admitted to our centre. Our work is multidisciplinary, requiring close coordination bew een educational, health and psychosocial services. Our community team provides multidisciplinary services to motor impaired children and adolescents, who attcnd preschool or school in their local area, their parents and professionals, who work with these children.
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