Avtor/Urednik     Zupančič, Ž
Naslov     Vloga radiologa pri obravnavi kritično bolnega otroka
Prevedeni naslov     The role of radiologist in the diagnostics of critically ill child
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 9, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 189-94
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Radiology plays an important part in the diagnostic evaluation of the critically ill child. It can contribute significantly to the diagnosis of the cause of the critical condition and help in determining the severity of the disease by evaluating the effect of the disease on different organs or organ systems. By careful follow-up, it helps to reveal complications of the primary disease or those caused by the treatment. It may also assist in determining the outcome of the treatment. The article emphasizes the importance of correct professional co-operation between the paediatrician and radiologist, as well as the importance of a problem-oriented approach in diagnostic evaluation. A review of radiological methods and examinations, which are important in the diagnostic evaluation of a critically ill child, is included.
Izvleček     Radiološka slikovna diagnostika je pomemben del diagnostike pri obravnavi kritično bolnega otroka. Pomembno lahko prispeva pri diagnozi vzrokov za kritično stanje in pri oceni stopnje prizadetosti otroka z oceno prizadetosti posameznih organov ali organskih sistemov. S sledenjem pomembno prispeva k diagnosticiranju zapletov pri bolezni, ki je vzrok za kritično stanje, ter pri zapletih, ki nastanejo kot posledica zdravljenja. Pogosto prispeva tudi k oceni izida zdravljenja. V prispevku je poudarjen pomen strokovnega sodelovanja med pediatrom in radiologom ter pomen dobro problemsko usmerjene diagnostike. Podan je tudi pregled radioloških metod in preiskav, ki so pomembne v diagnostiki pri kritično bolnem otroku.
Deskriptorji     CRITICAL ILLNESS