Author/Editor     Pengov, Andrej
Title     Zagotavljanje higienske in zdravstvene neoporečnosti surovega mleka
Translated title     Hygienic and health aspects of raw milk
Type     članek
Source     In: Žohar-Čretnik T, Gubina M, editors. Sanitarna mikrobiologija v javnem zdravstvu: zbornik predavanj; 2002 okt 18-19; Laško. Ljubljana: Sekcija za klinično mikrobiologijo in hospitalne infekcije SZD,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 61-6
Language     slo
Abstract     In dairy herds permanent efforts are needed to reduce somatic cell counts and the incidence of clinical and subclinical mastitis. The inflammation process in the mammary gland of cows has a considerable impacf on rnilk composition. Milk from infected udder quarters of cows can be also a risk factor for humans. Preventive measures are based on regular examinations of the health status of animals and tests of raw milk and final products. Mastitis control programs have to include: farm inspection, clinical examination of the animal and particularly of the mammary gland, analysis of the data, milking routine check, milking machine inspection, sanitation and preventive measures according to the established pathogens in the herd and the evaluation of progress. Sanitation of herd mastitis problems should be estimated on the basis of individual somatic cell counts or on the basis of the new infection rate.
Descriptors     MILK