Avtor/Urednik     Pinter, B
Naslov     Adolescent abortion in Europe
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Bruni V, Dei M, editors. Pediatric and adolescent gynecology. 9th European congress of pediatric and adolescent gynecology; 2002 Dec 2-5; Florence. Roma: CIC Edizioni internazionali,
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 338-41
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Introduction: Adolescent pregnancy and birth are associated with a range of disadvantages for the mother and her child. Therefore the abortion is still often the only personal choice in case of unintended pregnancy. Adolescent abortion: Adolescent pregnancy and abortion rates in the European countries vary considerably from country to country. Adolescent pregnancy rates vary from 11/1000 of women aged 15-19 years (Netherlands) to 60/1000 (Hungary), and abortion rates from 1.3/1000 (Greece) to 30/1000 (Hungary), thus showing the differences in cultural, social and legal context of the adolescent sexuality. The high abortion rates do not necessarily reflect the lower average age at the first sex or the differences in the legal aspects of abortion and accessibility of abortion and contraceptive services. Conclusions: The strategies to reduce adolescent abortion rates should moistly aim on prevention of adolescent pregnancy: earlier and more comprehensive sex education, open discussion on sexual relationship, more liberal abortion laws, accessible reproductive health services and free aecess to emergency contraception.