Author/Editor | Blatnik, Janja; Lešničar, Gorazd; Šibanc, Branko; Cvitan, Stella; Strokol, Harry | |
Title | Agranulocitoza in makulopapulozni izpuščaj po zdravljenju s tiklopidinom - prikaz primera | |
Translated title | Agranulocytosis and maculopapular rash after treatment with ticlopidine - case report | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vestn | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 72, št. 1 | |
Publication year | 2003 | |
Volume | str. 15-7 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Background. Ticlopidine is one of inhibitors of platelet aggregation indicated for reducing the risk of thrombotic stroke in patients who have experienced thrombotic stroke, ischemic attacks, unstable angina pectoris, coronary artery stenting and peripheral vascular bypass grafting. The weak point of this treatment are many serious adverse effects, the most serious of them being neutropenia. Patient and therapy. We report a case of a 70-years old woman who developed agranulocytosis and skin rash by the end of the 4-week therapy with ticlopidine. After discontinued therapy with ticlopidine and when lenograstim was administered, agranulocytosis, anemia and rash subsided in one week. Conclusions. As ticlopidine is associated with serious complications, its application has to be reserved for those patients who are intolerant to aspirin therapy. | |
Summary | Izhodišča. Tiklopidin je eden izmed antitrombotikov, ki so indicirani pri bolnikih, pri katerih je povečana možnost nastajanja trombotičnih zapletov: pri bolnikih po trombotičnih inzultih, možganski kapi, prehodni ishemiji možganov in pri bolnikih z nestabilno angino pektoris oziroma žilnimi obvodi koronarnih in perifernih arterij. Slabost zdravljenja s tiklopidinom so razmeroma pogosti zapleti, od resnejših opisujejo zlasti nevtropenijo. Bolnik in zdravljenje. Predstavljena je 70-letna bolnica, pri kateri sta se po štiri tedne trajajočem zdravljenju s tiklopidinom pojavila agranulocitoza in kožni izpuščaj. Po ukinitvi zdravljenja s tiklopidinom in spodbuditvi granulopoeze z lenograstimom sta agranulocitoza in anemija izzveneli v enem tednu, izpuščaj pa teden dni pozneje. Zaključki. Tiklopidin je zaradi pogostih hudih neželenih učinkov kot antiagregacijsko zdravilo indiciran le še redko, vsekakor pa šele takrat, ko zdravljenje z aspirinom ni mogoče. | |