Avtor/Urednik     Meh, Duška; Denišlič, Miro
Naslov     Uporaba termotesta
Prevedeni naslov     Usage of thermotest
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 41, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 279-88
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Modern neurophysiological methods (including the accurate psychophysical Marstock method) were used to determine sensitivity to heat, cold, and pain due to heat and cold (specific thermal and pain sensitivity) in six groups of patients suffering from various diseases (type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, primary Sjogren's syndrome, peripheral neuropathy of various etiologies, syringomyelia and multiple sclerosis). Various types of abnormalities were found, but no specific alteration patterns were identified. The abnormalities recorded depended upon the stage of the disease. The study confirms that thermotest is a sensitive, although unfortunately unspecific, index of somatoesthesia. The method is appropriate for following the disease or its progression during rehabilitation. For an exact diagnosis of somatosensory dysfunction, aberrant sensations are at least as important as hypo- or hyperesthetic phenomena.
Izvleček     Pri šestih skupinah bolnikov (s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 in tipa 2, s primarnim Sjogrenovim sindromom, z različnimi perifernimi nevropatijami, s siringomielijo in z multiplo sklerozo) smo s sodobnimi nevrofiziološkimi preiskavami določili občutljivost za toploto, hlad in bolečino zaradi mraza in zaradi vročine. Našli smo različna odstopanja od normativnih vrednosti, vzorci sprememb pa niso bili povezani s patološkim procesom. Ugotovljena odstopanja so bila odvisna od stopnje bolezni. Raziskava je potrdila, da je termotest občutljiv, a žal nespecifičen pokazatelj občutljivosti. Preiskava je primerna za spremljanje razvoja bolezni ali napredovanja rehabilitacije. Za natančno prepoznavo spremenjene občutljivosti so kakovostne spremembe vsaj enako pomembne kot količinske.
Deskriptorji     TEMPERATURE SENSE