Author/Editor     Vaupotič, Janja
Title     Raziskava radona v šolah
Translated title     Radon investigations in schools
Type     članek
Source     In: Juričič M, editor. Zbornik prispevkov Šolska higiena 1. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Sekcija za šolsko in visokošolsko medicino,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 43-9
Language     slo
Abstract     In 1990 the Slovene Radon Project started aimed at systematic radon survey in the living environment. In the period from 1990 to 1994 radon concentrations were measured in the air of 730 kindergartens, 890 elementary schools and 1000 randomly selected homes. These systematic radon surveys provided the level of radon problem in our country, and gave a good orientation for further investigations. Since then our radon studies have been focused on high radon Level buildings. In all 78 school buildings with indoor radon concentrations above 400 Bqm-3, the proposed Slovene action level, additional investigations were carried out. In 18 schools with the highest radon concentrations the exposure during the teaching hours was obtained and radon source isolated. On the basis of radiation doses thus estimated, the Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia eventually proposed mitigation measures to be undertaken.
Descriptors     SCHOOLS