Avtor/Urednik     Vindišar, Franci; Brilej, Drago; Robida, Jože
Naslov     Zdravljenje dislociranih zlomov gležnja pri otrocih v SB Celje of leta 1998 do leta 2002
Prevedeni naslov     Treatment of displaced malleolar fractures at children treated in General and teaching hospital Celje from 1998 to 2002
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Komadina R, Senekovič V, Krajnc A, et al, editors. Zlomi v predelu zgornjega in spodnjega skočnega sklepa. Zbornik 4. Celjski dnevi; 2003 mar; Celje. Celje: Splošna in učna bolnišnica Celje,
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 67-71
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Backaround: The exact knowledge of the anatomic relations of the juvenile skeleton is of utmost importance for the determination of the injury and properly chosen treatment. The treatment should be uniform and carried out in one act. Considering this facts the functional results are usually good and no late consequences expected. Patients and methods: In the period from January 1998 to December 2002 in General and Teaching Hospital Celje 25 children from 7 to 17 years of age with fracture dislocation of the ankle were treated. We applied Salter-Harrison classification, using classic X-ray projections with CT in 9 cases. Children were classified into two groups. In group I. 11 children were treated with closed reposition, they all belonged to type II. of Salter-Harrison classification. In group II. 14 children were treated operatively. In out-patient follow up we registered the duration of immobilisation, non weight bearing period, mobility and residual pain at the end of the treatment. Results: In G - I. average non weight bearing period was 10.4 weeks, in G - II, this period was shorter, only 7.8 weeks. At the end of the treatment in both groups good functional results were registered. There were no complications in G - II. Conclusion: Children relatively often suffer ankle injuries. With adequate diagnosis and early enough treatment the prognosis is good and no permanent damaqe expected.
Deskriptorji     ANKLE INJURIES