Author/Editor     Cibic, Darja
Title     Človeku strokovna ali/in drugačna podpora
Translated title     Professional or/and other support
Type     članek
Source     In: Urbančič K, Klemenc D, editors. Spoznajmo komplementarno in naravno zdravilstvo tudi v zdravstveni negi. Zbornik člankov s strokovnega srečanja - 1. simpozija Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Ljubljana; 2002 dec 4; Kranjska gora. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 27-30
Language     slo
Abstract     Traditional medicine and using (application) their methods in nursing care became interesting in Slovenia last few years when some nurses decided to offer private nursing care services. They wanted to bid »something more« to their clients. They finished some organized but no officially recognized courses at home and abroad. Some methods of complementary medicine were used in some private and also public institutions. The question about connection between official recognized nursing care and traditional methods is issued.
Descriptors     NURSING THEORY