Avtor/Urednik     Ribič, Helena; Sočan, Maja
Naslov     Spremljanje odpornosti neinvazivnih sevov Haemophilus influenzae proti antibiotikom v ljubljanski regiji
Prevedeni naslov     Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in non-invasive strains of Haemophilus influenzae in the Ljubljana region
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 42, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 5-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background: Haemophilus influenzae belongs to the most frequent etiologic agents of respiratory tract infections in human. We analysed the results of susceptibility to some antibiotics of strains of H. influenzae, that were isolated from different specimens from patients in the region of Ljubljana in the period between 2000 and 2001. Methods: In the survey, 117 strains of H. influenzae, isolated in the routine tests in the National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, were included. Susceptibility to six antimicrobials was determined to all strains. Results: Most of the strains (93%) were isolated from samples from respiratory tract. All H. influenzae were susceptible to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and to azitromycin. Resistance rate to ampicillin was 8%. All resistant strains but one were beta-lactamase producers. Resistance rate to trimethoprim-sulfametoxazole was 21% and to cefaclor and tetracycline less than 5%. Conclusions: For the present the resistance rate of H. influenzae in Ljubljana region is not very high. Surveillance is necessary for early detection of changes in resistance and for timely planning of activities. Fundamental condition for timely detection of resistance is the number of isolated strains (and of samples) which is high enough.
Izvleček     Izhodišča: Haemophilus influenzae je pogost povzročitelj okužb dihal pri človeku. V prispevku smo prikazali rezultate spremljanja odpornosti proti nekaterim antibiotikom pri sevih H. influenzae, ki smo jih osamili iz različnih kužnin bolnikov Ijubljanske regije v letih 2000 in 2001. Metode: V raziskavo smo vključili 117 sevov H. influenzae, ki smo jih osamili pri rednih mikrobioloških preiskavah v laboratoriju IVZRS. Vsem sevom smo določili občutljivost za šest antibiotikov, ki jih pri H. influenzae vsakodnevno testiramo. Rezultati: Večino sevov H. influenzae (93%) smo osamili iz kužnin iz dihal. Vsi sevi so bili občutljivi za amoksicilin s klavulansko kislino in azitromicin. Odpornost proti ampicilinu je bila 8%, vsi sevi, razen enega, so tvorili laktamazo beta. Odpornost proti trimetoprimu s sulfametoksazolom je bila 21%, proti cefakloru in tetraciklinu pa manj kot 5%. Zaključek: V Ijubljanski regiji odpomost H. influenzae proti antibiotikom zaenkrat še ni zelo visoka. Redno spremljanje odpomosti je pogoj, da bomo spremembe v odpomosti zaznali dovolj zgodaj in pravočasno načrtovali ukrepe. Osnovni pogoj, da odpomost zaznamo pravočasno, je dovolj veliko število osamljenih sevov oziroma preiskovanih kužnin.