Author/Editor     Hodačova, Lenka
Title     Breast cancer in the Czech Republic
Translated title     Rak dojke na Češkem
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 37-42
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Malignant neoplasms present one of the most serious chapters of morbidity, mortality, and the overall perspective of the health status of Czech population. MaIignant neoplasms have been registered in the Czech Republic since the end of the 1950s. Guarantor of the all-state registry is the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR), and conceptual and methodological steering is performed by the Council of the Czech Cancer Registry. The five most frequently diagnoses in Czech males and seven most frequentiy diagnoses in Czech females were foll owed during the last 20 years. The most frequent malignant neoplasm in Czech women is breast cancer. Conclusions. The incidence of this cancer has increased by 75% during the studied period. During the year 2001, three pilot studies of preventive mammography screening were done in the country. One case of asympfomaiic breast cancer in the study costs 80,000 Kč (in reality it was 120,000 Kč). These costs are markedly lower than fhe combined therapy of advanced stages of breasf cancer.
Summary     lzhodišča. Na Češkem so maligne novotvorbe eden od najštevilnejših vzrokov obolevnosti in smrtnosti prebivalstva kot tudi pokazateljev njihovega zdravstvenega stanja. Od konca leta 1950 jih registrira vsedržavni Inštitut za zdravstveno informatiko in statistiko, s katerim sodeluje Svet registra raka Češke, ki registracijo načrtuje in vodi. Zadnjih 20 let posebno skrbno spremljajo 5 najbolj pogostih malignih obolenj pri moških in 7 pri ženskah. Pri ženskah je najpogostejše maligno obolenje rak dojke. Zaključki. Rak dojke je v opazovanih letih narasel za 75%. V letu 2001 so izvedli v celotni državi 3 pilotske raziskave s preventivnim mamografskim presejalnim testom. Odkritje enega primera bolnice z asimptomatskim rakom dojke je stalo od 80.000 do 120.000 čeških kron, kar je znatno manj kot stane zdravljenje bolnice z napredovalim rakom dojke.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS