Avtor/Urednik     Cikajlo, I; Matjačić, Z; Bajd, T
Naslov     Development of swing phase relearnig device
Tip     članek
Vir     Adv Comput Bioeng Ser
Vol. in št.     Letnik 7
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 365-74
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The aim of the paper is to present development and use of the functional electrical stimulation (FES) gait reeducation system in swing phase rehabilitation of the incomplete spinal cord injured persons. The proposed system consists of four accelerometers, gyro placed at the shank of the paretic leg and two goniometers, placed in knee and ankle joint. The data assessed from sensors present input into mathematical algorithms applied for swing quality estimation that equals to a single numerical value. This value is divided in three level output to determine the state of cognitive feedback (CF). Each level defines the swing quality in terms of good, sufficient and poor and is provided to the patient as an auditory signal. A single channel peroneal FES was applied to provide the needed assistance to the patient. The assistance was provided only to the level that enabled the patient to perform a swing. The automatic FES control was handled by personal computer. Regarding to the quality of the performed swings the intensity of FES was increased (pre-set number of consecutive poor swings) or decreased (pre-set number of consecutive good swings), forcing the patient to voluntary contribute to swing improvement. Developed system was applied and tested with a single incomplete spinal cord injured (SCI) patient with C4-5 lesion during walking on the treadmill. The results have shown that involving the patient in the rehabilitation process with the automatic FES control, providing only the minimum needed assistance, can improve the training of walking. Hopefully the FES assistance woutd diminish after the training period. Therefore, the use of FES, multisensor and cognitive feedback might be efficient rehabilitative approach in early stage of rehabilitation.