Avtor/Urednik     Stare, Mateja; Kersnič, Petra
Naslov     Pogostost poškodb z ostrim predmetom v operacijskem bloku Kliničnega centra Ljubljana
Prevedeni naslov     Frequency of injuries with sharp objects in the operating theatre of the Clinical center in Ljubljana
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 37, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 53-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The article presents the frequency of injuries with sharp objects among health care workers in the operating theatre in the Clinical Center in Ljubljana. In the first part of the article, causes and possibilities for such incidents are presented. Health workers are exposed to infection in contact with an infectious patient, his body fluids, secretions and excrements. Risk depends on the intensity and frequency of contacts, which are again dependent on the nature of work and preventive measures, proneness of a health worker to infection etc. The second part of the article describes and explains the research on incidents during the last two months in 2001. Research was carried out on 120 operating theatre nurses, anaesthesia nurses and nursing aides working in the operating theater of the Clinical Center in Ljubljana. The results of the research work show the awareness of health workers of the possibilities of injuries with sharp objects and of the fact that incident happen all the time and are not properly dealt with.
Izvleček     Članek prikazuje pogostost poškodb z ostrimi predmeti med zdravstvenimi delavci v operacijskem bloku Kliničnega centra Ljubljana. Prvi del članka prikazuje vzroke in možnosti za nastanek incidentov. Zdravstveni delavci smo na svojem delovnem mestu izpostavljeni možnostim okužbe ob stiku s kužnim pacientom, njegovimi telesnimi tekočinami, izločki in iztrebki. Tveganje je odvisno od intenzivnosti in pogostosri srikov, kar je odvisno tudi od narave dela ter možnosti za zaščito, dovzetnosti zdravstvenega delavca za okužbo in podobno. V drugem delu članka je opisana in razložena raziskava o incidentih v zadnjih dveh mesecih leta 2001. Raziskava je bila izve, dena med 120 operacijskimi medicinskimi sestrami, medicinskimi sestrami pri anesteziji in bolničarji, zaposlenimi v operacijskem bloku Kliničnega centra Ljubljana. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na ozaveščenost zdravstvenih delavcev glede možnosti poškodb z ostrimi predmeti in na dejstvo, da se incidenti stalno dogajajo in nepravilno oskrbujejo.