Author/Editor     Li, Zhengmin; Yang, Jinghe; Xu, Xingzhong; Xu, Xiuling; Yu, Weijun; Yue, Xiuying
Title     Quantitative characterization of particle shape of FCC catalysts by image analysis
Type     članek
Source     Image Anal Stereol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 20, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 169-74
Language     eng
Abstract     Three shape factors, i.e. Short/long ratio (S), Roundness (R) and Concavity (C), are calculated using particle geometrical parameters determined by the analysis of micrographs. Mean shape factors and shape factor distributions are proposed to characterize the particle shape of FCC catalyst powders.
Descriptors     PARTICLE SIZE