Author/Editor     Bezrukov, Alexander; Stoyan, Dietrich; Bargiel, Monika
Title     Spatial statistics for simulated packings of spheres
Type     članek
Source     Image Anal Stereol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 20, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 403-7
Language     eng
Abstract     This paper reports on spatial-statistical analyses for simulated random packings of spheres with random diameters. The simulation methods are the force-biased algorithm and the Jodrey-Tory sedimentation algorithm. The sphere diameters are taken as constant or following a bimodal or lognormal distribution. Standard characteristics of spatial statistics are used to describe these packings statistically, namely volume fraction, pair correlation function of the system of sphere centres and spherical contact distribution function of the set-theoretic union of all spheres. Furthennore, the coordination numbers are analysed.
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