Author/Editor     Jirkovska, Marie; Janaček, Jiri; Jirsova, Zuzana; Kubinova, Lucie; Zemanova, Zdenka
Title     Spatial arangement of peritubular vascular bed in chick mesonephros
Type     članek
Source     Image Anal Stereol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 20, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 338-41
Language     eng
Abstract     Changes of spatial arrangement of peritubular vessels of chick mesonephros at embryonic days (ED) 5 and 7 were studied by 3-D reconstruction of images captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope. Specimens were fixed, embedded and cut into transversal physical sections 30-40 micro m thick. Serial optical sections were obtained at objective magnification 20x. Pictures of mesonephros on ED 5 were collected from one field of view, in more voluminous mesonephros on ED 7 it was necessary to take the pictures from at least three fields. Digitised contours of mesonephric surface, vessels and other structural components were converted into 3-D greyscale images. The images of parts of mesonephros were interactively registered and put together. Triangulated surfaces representing mesonephros components were obtained by isosurface detection. The 3-D reconstruction of vascular bed on ED 5 demonstrated clearly the regular segmental arrangement of marginal blood sinuses interconnected by short longitudinally oriented vessels. Extensive development of mesonephros between ED 5 and 7 is manifested by rapid growth of tubules and peritubular vascular bed. Strictly segmental arrangement of vessels typical on ED 5 is no more distinct on ED 7. Dense capillary network occupies peritubular spaces and only remnants of marginal blood sinuses are observable, namely in ventromedial part of mesonephros and in close proximity of Wolffian duct.