Avtor/Urednik     Ackermann, Gabriela; Chopin, Franck; Mering, Catherine
Naslov     Urban growth monitoring on the southern Senegalese littoral from analysis of high resolution remote sensing images
Tip     članek
Vir     Image Anal Stereol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 20, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 1-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Senegalese littoral is submitted to an important built-up growth during the last decades. Various techniques of image analysis based on spectral and textural properties are explored here in order to describe and characterise built-up dynamics, at local and at regional scale, along the "Petite Cote" region. A map of built-up extensions of Mbour, the main regional city, has been made-up from diachronic series of aerial photos between 1978 and 1997. Urban growth phenomenon has been detected at regional scale all along the littoral by both, multispectral and panchromatic SPOT images processing. For both images, support application of mathematical morphology algorithms allows de amelioration of results. One's binary images obtained, spatial organisation of new builtup zone is studied by macrotexture analysis, such as granulometric analysis. Spatial relationships between this pattern and other structures, such as the coastline and the main cities, are then studied by means of distance functions techniques.
Deskriptorji     GEOGRAPHY