Avtor/Urednik     Virant-Klun, I; Tomaževič, T; Zorn, B; Bačer-Kermavner, L; Mivšek, J; Meden-Vrtovec, H
Naslov     Blastocyst formation - good indicator of clinical results after ICSI with testicular spermatozoa
Tip     članek
Vir     Hum Reprod
Vol. in št.     Letnik 18, št. 5
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 1070-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of blastocyst culture in patients with azoospermia. Methods: In 98 cycles embryos were cultured for 2 days and in 128 cycles for 5 days to reach the blastocyst stage; a maximum of two of the most developed embryos were transferred in each group. Results: There was a negative correlation between a high (>20 IU/1) male serum FSH and embryo development, manifested as embryos not reaching the morula stage on day 5 (r = 0.387; P < 0.05). After prolonged culture, 23 % of embryos reached the blastocyst stage. The pregnancy rates per transfer, and the abortion rates were approximately the same in the day 2 group and the day 5 group (20 versus 20% and 19 versus 18% respectively). After blastocyst transfer, a high clinical pregnancy rate (55%) and a low abortion rate (6%) were achieved, whereas the transfer of arrested embryos provided a low pregnancy rate (2%) and a high abortion rate (100%). If only blastocysts had been transferred on day 5, the clinical pregnancy rate per started cycle would have been approximately the same in both groups (13 versus 16%). Conclusions: Blastocyst formation is a good indicator of clinical results after ICSI with testicular sperm.
Deskriptorji     INFERTILITY, MALE