Avtor/Urednik     Jeličić, Mladen; Remic-Čuček, Radejka; Krump, Jasna
Naslov     "Zdrav glas v pedagoških poklicih" - interdisciplinarni program preprečevanja motenj glasu
Prevedeni naslov     "Healthy voice in teaching professions" - interdisciplinary prevention programme for voice disorders
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Čepeljnik J, Globačnik B, Grobler M, et al, editors. Logopedija za vsa življenska obdobja. Zbornik 1. slovenski kongres logopedov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 mar 19-21; Bled. Ljubljana: Zavod za gluhe in naglušne,
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 174-6
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The goal of the seminar is to educate the participants about voice problems, breathing techniques, proper use and protection of voice, and teach them basic relaxation techniques. Results of the research so far have pointed out the need and justification for vocal education to be included in the study program for future teachers. In many professions, people use their voice as a major instrument to do their job. Latest results of voice research show that education workers are those most frequently experiencing voice disorders. There is a variety of reasons why this group in particular is endangered - from insufficient knowledge of how to care for your voice, lack of vocal ability due to deficient exercise, improper working conditions (noise, poor room acoustics, inadequate air quality and room humidityJ to a low level of vocal culture. It was an extremely high number of education workers with voice disorders that has encouraged us to conduct a iwo-day preventive and educational programme Healthy Voice in Teaching Professions.
Deskriptorji     VOICE QUALITY