Author/Editor     Prizl-Jakovac, Tatjana
Title     Afazije i traumatska oštećenja mozga
Translated title     Aphasia and brain injury
Type     članek
Source     In: Čepeljnik J, Globačnik B, Grobler M, et al, editors. Logopedija za vsa življenska obdobja. Zbornik 1. slovenski kongres logopedov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 mar 19-21; Bled. Ljubljana: Zavod za gluhe in naglušne,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 253-5
Language     cro
Abstract     The study was conducted on 10 aphasic persons (5 persons with cerebrovascular insult, 5 persons with traumatic brain injury) of both sexes, at the age between 42-64. The purpose of this study was to investigate speech and its characteristics of persons with aphasia caused by cerebrovascular insult and of persons with aphasia caused by traumatic brain injury. Statistical analysis between persons persons with aphasia caused by cerebrovascular insult and persons with aphasia caused by traumatic brain injury show differences in all measured variables.
Descriptors     BRAIN INJURIES