Author/Editor     Pleško-Mlakar, A; Grmek, S; Stopar, T; Reš-Muravec, U
Title     Recent developments in regional analgesia practice for labor - a review of one-year experience at the Hospital of gynecology and obstetric in Postojna, Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Zabavnik Z, editor. Book of lectures of the 16th anaesthesia symposium Alpe Adria; 2003 May 9-11; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 209-12
Language     eng
Abstract     Objective. The study investigated the regional analgesia practice for labor in the year 2002 at the Hospital for Gynecology and Obstetric in Postojna, Slovenia. Study design. Retrospective study. Patients. A series of 147 parturient delivered using three different regional analgesic techniques (epidural analgesia-EA, combined spinal epidural analgesia-CSE or spinal analgesia-SN Methods. A series was extracted from a total of 1048 deliveries carried out in 2002. The data analyzed included: maternal demographic data, labor duration, labor outcome, Apgar score after 1 and 5 minutes, adverse effects of regional analgesic techniques and patient satisfaction. Results. In the year 2002 the rate of regional analgesia for labor was 14%. 75 parturient delivered with continuous epidural analgesia, 62 in CSE analgesia and 10 in SA. The greatest pain relief and satisfaction, but more adverse effects were observed with CSE analgesia. Conclusion. Regional analgesic techniques offer excellent pain relief with minor adverse effect on labor outcome. A good team approach of a midwife, an obstetrician and an anaesthesiologist is needed to reduce this potential problem.