Author/Editor     Naglič, Nada; Klopčič-Spevak, Milica
Title     Vpliv uporabe TENS-a med kinezioterapijo pri kronični bolečini v rami
Translated title     The effect of TENS during kinesiotherapy on chronic shoulder pain
Type     članek
Source     Fizioterapija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 11, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 99-108
Language     slo
Abstract     Introduction: In Slovenia patients with pain in the shoulder represent the third biggest group of patients who visit the orthopaedic or physiatric ambulance. The goal of this study was to evaluate if the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in a program of physiotherapy for patients suffering from chronic shoulder pain has an effect on pain reduction and increase of range of motion (ROM). Methods: Fifteen patients with chronic shoulder pain participated in this study, average age 57 years (± 14 years). All patients had daily treatments of individual physiotherapy which included 3 days 20 minutes of kinesiotherapy with TENS applied (KT) and after four days again 3 days 20 minutes of kinesiotherapy without TENS applied (KWT). At the beginning and at the end of each treatment on 3 succesive days each patient assessed the degree of shoulder pain according to the visual analog scale (VAS). At the same time the passive ROM of the shoulder was measured. On the fourth day only VAS measurements were taken. Results: The difference between KT and KWT was assessed. In the KT pain was reduced over the four days in 53 % of patients, in the KWT pain was reduced in 3% of the patients. ROM of the painful shoulder increased more evenly and to a greater extent in the KT than in the KWT. The difference was statistically highly significant. After three days of treatment the elevation through anteflexion improved the most (14%) on the average in both treatments. Than follows internal rotation (37%), elavation through abduction (19%), external rotation (32%) and retroflexion (22%). Conclusion: The use of TENS together with a program of physiotherapy for patients with chronic shoulder pain and limited ROM had an effect on pain reduction and made it possible for greater increase of ROM.
Descriptors     SHOULDER