Author/Editor     Groleger, Katja; Vidmar, Gaj
Title     Lestvica za razvrščanje otrok s cerebralno paralizo - zanesljivost staršev pri ocenjevanju otrok
Translated title     Gross motor function classification system - reliability of parents classification of their children
Type     članek
Source     Fizioterapija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 11, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 141-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) was developed for children with cerebral palsy. We have been using the Slovene version since 2001. Methods: Reliability of GMFCS was proved in several studies. We wanted to assess whether parents would be able to classify their children, using only the instructional leaflet. A pilot study was carried out with 18 parents whose children were admitted to the Institute for Rehabilitation, Republic of Slovenia, in August 2002. Parents' classifications were compared with those of a medical doctor. Results: Only in three cases parents classified their children to a different (lower) category than medical doctor did. Statistical analysis showed very high inter-rater reliability (rank-correlation 0.954, p<0.001). Discussion: Our pilot study demonstrated high inter-rater reliability of GMFCS with a group of parents compared to a medical doctor. Some differences might exist in classification of children aged less than 2 since the requirements for that age are lower and parents might not be able to make adequate judgements. The study also provided data for power and sample size calculations for a more detailed future study.
Descriptors     CEREBRAL PALSY