Author/Editor     O'Quigley, John; Stare, Janez
Title     Cumulative empirical processes for survival models
Type     članek
Source     In: Budin L, Lužar-Stiffler V, Bekić Z, et al, editors. ITI 2003. Proceedings of the 25th international conference om Information technology interfaces; 2003 Jun 16-19; Cavtat. Zagreb: SRCE, University of Zagreb,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 205-10
Language     eng
Abstract     Following the martingale approach of Khmaladze (1981) we obtain tests for survival rmodels by transforming an appropriate empirical process to one with a known large sample distribution. In order to carry out this prescription we appeal to the classic Donsker's theorem, together with a theorem of O'Quigley (2003). This idea has been recently explored in the context of goodness of fit. The goodness of fit problem can be viewed as a test of the form H0 : beta(t) = beta and this form can be simply generalized in order to obtain tests of survival effect, such tests then taking the form H0 : beta(t) = beta0. We are particularly interested in constructing tests which relate to Brownian motion. One of these tests coincides exactly with the usual partial likelihood score test. But we have broad generality and other forms of the test, an example being integrated Brownian motion, can achieve very greater power when faced with alternatives of a non proportional hazards nature, such as declining effects or even crossing hazards. We focus our attention on the univariate case for the purposes of transparency of exposition. Extension to the multivariate case is mostly obvious and straightforward. Some examples are considered.