Author/Editor     Kandare, Franc; Stanič, Uroš; Jeraj, Janez; Exner, Gerhard; Šorli, Jurij; Jaeger, Robert; Pedotti, Antonio; Aliverti, Andrea; Dellaca, Raffaele
Title     Functional electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles (FESAM) in spinal cord injury during phrenic nerve stimulation
Type     članek
Source     In: Triolo RJ, editor. IFESS 2001. Proceedings of the 6th annaual conference of the International functional electrical stimulation society; 2001 Jun 17-20; Cleveland. Cleveland: IFESS,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 25-7
Language     eng
Abstract     The aim of this study was to determine the potential of functional electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles (FESAM) to provide ventilation assistance in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) who were dependent on diaphragmatic pacing. Four individuals with complete SCI (levels C2 to C3) who had implanted phrenic nerve stimulators (PNS) were studied. FESAM was applied during either expiration or inspiration with a 4-channel custom-made electrical stimulator via surface self-adhesive electrodes placed on the abdominal wall. Flow and volume were measured with a pneumotachograph and 3-D optoelectronic plethysmography. Tidal volume (Vt) and total ventilation (Ve)during PNS and FESAM during expiration were increased in three subjects (from 15% to 45%) in comparison to PNS alone. FESAM applied during inspiration did not change Vt, but volume contribution of thorax to Vt increased. These results might have potential for long-term clinical application, both for Ve increase and/or Vtredistribution. The timing and parameters of FESAM should be adjusted individually to the individually to the individuals needs. Thus FESAM could make PNS effects more physiological and reduce phrenic nerve stimulation demand.