Author/Editor     Jaeger, RJ; Langbein, WE; Maloney, C; Fehr, L; Laghi, F; Nemchausky, B; Kandare, F; Stanič, U
Title     Analysis of trunk motion during electrically stimulated cough in spinal cord injury
Type     članek
Source     In: Triolo RJ, editor. IFESS 2001. Proceedings of the 6th annaual conference of the International functional electrical stimulation society; 2001 Jun 17-20; Cleveland. Cleveland: IFESS,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 31-3
Language     eng
Abstract     The feasibility of using electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce or augment cough in spinal cord injury has been demonstrated. Past studies have focused excclusively on the measurement of airflow at the mouth or expiratory pressures during electrically stimulated cough. The present study examined the actual movements of the trunk during electrical stimulation of the bdominal muscles to augment cough, in order to better understand the underlying biomechanical effects of the stimulated muscle contractions. This could lead to discovering more optimal placement of electrodes and timing of stimulus delivery. While there are some similarities between subjects, there also appears to be some differences. These differences in underlying biomechanical movements may account for the variability between subjects seen in studies of cough production or augmentation.