Author/Editor     Grabljevec, Klemen
Title     Ocenjevanje izida rehabilitacije bolnikov z okvaro kolka
Type     članek
Source     In: Burger H, Goljar N, editors. Ocenjevanje izida v medicinski rehabilitaciji. Zbornik predavanj 14. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2003 apr 4-5;. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 225-32
Language     slo
Abstract     Impairment of the hip joint (arthrosis, arthroplastics, fracture) means lower quality of life, lower independence in ADL as well restriction in social life and high demands for supervision and care. With a proper rehabilitation program, higher level of independence in ADL can be achieved in persons with hip joint impairment. However, there is a lack of studies on the assessment of the rehabilitation outcome with specific functional outcome measures. The article gives an overview of functional outcome measures for hip joint impairment. It presents experiences with Functional lndependence Measure (FIM), 10-meter and 9-minute walking tests for functional rehabilitation outcome in the elderly after hip fracture. Seventy-five patients (average age 79, 8 years) were assessed at admission and before discharge. The average difference in FIM score was 13,4. At admission only 19 and at discharge 53 patients were able to walk. It can be concluded that the functional status of patients after hip fracture admitted to our department is low and thus they need demanding rehabilitation treatment.
Descriptors     HIP FRACTURES