Author/Editor | Jan, J; Uršič, M; Pogačnik, A; Vrecl, M | |
Title | Poliklorirani bifenili v materinem mleku kot dejavnik tveganja za nastanek razvojnih okvar sklenine | |
Translated title | Polychlorinated biphenyls in mother's milk as a risk factor for developmental defects of enamel | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zobozdrav Vestn | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 58, št. 2 | |
Publication year | 2003 | |
Volume | str. 50-6 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Background: The prevalence of developmental defects of enamel in first permanent molars has been reported to be high. As polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in mother's milk could be a risk factor for developmental defects of enamel, we were interested in the transfer of toxic PCB congeners to the milk of lactating sheep. Materials and Methods: Two pairs of structurally diverse PCB congeners were used (IUPAC Nos. -54, -80, -155, and -169) with different toxicity, resistance to metabolism and steric structure. Individual PCB congeners were administered to sheep after parturition by intramuscular injection and their residual levels in blood and milk determined at different time intervals after administration by highresolution gas chromatography. Results: The pattern of PCB congeners in milk changed considerably from the composition of PCB congeners administered; the enrichment of individual PCB congeners in milk occurred in the order -54, -80, -155, and -169. Conclusion: Milk is the main excretion route for higher chlorinated, planar, metabolically stable and more toxic congeners. Based on our results, it could be assumed that PCBs in mother's milk could be a risk factor for developmental defects of enamel in first permanent molars. | |
Summary | Izhodišče: Razvojne okvare sklenine prvih stalnih kočnikov so pogoste. Ker je vnos polikloriranih bifenilov (PCB) prek materinega mleka lahko eden od dejavnikov tveganja nastanka teh razvojnih okvar, nas je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri se v materino mleko izločajo toksični PCB-kongeneri. Material in metode: Uporabili smo dva para strukturno različnih kongener PCB-jev (IUPAC št. -54, -80, -155 in -169), ki se razlikujejo glede na toksičnost, hitrost metabolične razgradnje in sterično strukturo. PCB-kongenere smo injicirali dvema ovcama intramuskularno in nato njihove vrednosti določali v mleku ovac v določenih časovnih presledkih z visoko ločljivo plinsko kromatografijo. Rezultati: V mleku je bilo v sestavi PCB-kongener glede na vnos veliko manj nižje kloriranih PCB-kongener. Po daljšem času (37. dan) je prevladal PCB-169. Zaključek: V mleko se izločajo predvsem višje klorirane, planarne, metabolično stabilne in bolj toksične spojine. PCB-ji v materinem mleku so lahko dejavnik tveganja nastanka razvojnih okvar sklenine prvih stalnih kočnikov. | |