Author/Editor     Potočnik, I
Title     Občutljivost zob po adhezivnem plombiranju v odvisnosti of občutljivosti zoba pred plombiranjem in razloga za plombiranje
Translated title     Postoperative sensitivity in adhesive composite resin restorations
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 58, št. 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 57-62
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Postoperative sensitivity (POS) is a common problem in composite resin restorations. Its mechanism is not completely understood. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of POS in relation to the presence of sensitivity prior to the procedure and the reason for placement of the restoration. Materials and Methods: A total of 138 Class I-V composite resin restorations in permanent teeth were evaluated for the presence of POS 1 day (baseline), 4 weeks, 6 months and 1 year after placement. The intensity of POS was assessed with the use of a visual analogue scale. Results: POS was present in 28 (20.3%) teeth at the baseline evaluation, 10 teeth (7.2%) remained sensitive at 4 weeks, 5 teeth (3.6%) were still sensitive at 6 months, and none was sensitive on final evaluation a year after placement of the restoration. POS was significantly more common in the group of teeth that were sensitive already prior to the procedure, but the duration and degree of sensitivity did not differ between the two groups. Conclusion: Preoperative sensitivity may reflect an altered condition of the dental pulp due to primary caries or failure of the old restoration margin. In composite resin restorations, cavity preparation, the toxic effects of acid etching and components of the adhesive system may cause further injury to the already damaged pulp, resulting in a higher incidence of POS in teeth that were sensitive prior to the procedure.
Summary     Izhodišče: Občutljivost zob po plombiranju z adhezivno tehniko je pogosta bolnikova težava. Vzroki te občutljivosti zob niso v celoti pojasnjeni. S klinično raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je pogostost občutfjivosti zob po plombiranju drugačna, če so bili zobje občutljivi že pred plombiranjem in če na pogostost občutljivosti vpliva tudi razlog za plombiranje. Material in metoda: Pri bolnikih, ki smo jim po načelih adhezivne tehnike naredili skupno 138 plomb, smo ugotavfjali pogostost, stopnjo in trajanje občutljivosti zob po plombiranju. Stopnjo bolečine po plombiranju smo ugotavljali z metodo vizualne analogne lestvice. Izidi: V povprečju je bilo prvi dan po plombiranju občutljivih 28 zob (20,3 %), po 4-ih tednih 10 zob (7,2 %), po 6-ih mesecih 5 zob (3,6 %); 1 leto po plombiranju ni bil občutljiv noben zob. V skupini zob, ki so bili občutljivi že pred plombiranjem, je bila pogostost statistično značilno večja. Trajanje in stopnja občutljivosti se nista razlikovali. Zaključek: Občutljivost zob pred plombiranjem je posledica kariesa ali slabe obrobne zapore stare plombe, ki povzročita bolezenske spremembe v zobni pulpi. Izdelava nove plombe z adhezivno tehniko dodatno poškoduje pulpo, zato je možnost občutljivosti zoba po plombiranju večja kakor pri zobu, ki pred plombiranjem ni bil občutljiv.
Descriptors     DENTAL CARIES