Author/Editor     Kobal, Borut; Rakar, Stelio; Omahen, Andrej; Cvjetičanin, Branko; Meglič, Leon; Barbič, Matija
Title     Primerjava laparoskopskega in klasičnega kirurškega zdravljenja bolnic z endometrijskim karcinomom
Translated title     A comparison of laparoscopic surgery with classic open procedure in endometrial cancer
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 72, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. II-35-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Traditional surgical technique applied in the treatment of endometrial carcinoma is total abdominal hysterectomy combined with bilateral salpingoophorectomy. Laparoscopic surgical technique, providing the possibility of simultaneous hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy through the vagina, represents the alternative to laparatomy. The objective of this analysis was to evaluate periand postoperative parameters of both techniques, and the appropriateness of the number of removed nodes. Methods. This retrospective comparative analysis involved 36 patients (Group LAVH), who underwent Laparoscopic surgical treatment for stage I endometrial carcinoma in the period 1995-2003, and 24 randomly chosen patients (Group TELA), in whom the same surgical procedures were performed using abdominal approach. The data for comparison of general clinical parameters, duration of surgery, blood loss, early and late postoperative complications, duration of stay at the intensive care unit and hospital stay, were collected from the operative and anesthesiology records. Histologic findings provided histopathomorphologic data on carcinoma and the number of removed nodes. The comparison of all parameters was evaluated using Student T-test for continuous variables, and Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney test for categorical variables. Results. General clinical parameters and the patient age were evenly distributed between the groups. The same applies for the distribution of mean blood loss and early postoperative complications. Two patients, treated laparoscopically, were re-admitted to hospital for pelvic abscess. The mean duration of stay at the intensive care unit was longer in the TELA group patients (3.3+-1.1) than in the LAVH group patients (2.1+-0.45) (F=30.41;p<0.0001). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Karcinom endometrija sicer zdravimo tradicionalno kirurško z odstranitvijo maternice in priveskov skozi laparotomijo. Laparoskopska kirurška tehnika, ki omogoča odstranitev pelvičnih bezgavk in sočasno odstranitev maternice s priveski skozi nožnico, je danes alternativa laparotomiji. Cilj naše analize je bil ovrednotiti peri-in postoperativne parametre obeh tehnik in ustreznost števila odstranjenih bezgavk. Metode. V retrospektivno analizo smo vključili 36 bolnic, ki so bile v obdobju od leta 1995 do leta 2003 zdravljene zaradi I. stadija endometrijskega karcinoma z laparoskopsko kirurško tehniko (skupina LAVH), in jih primerjali z naključno izbrano skupino 24 bolnic, pri katerih smo enake kirurške postopke izvedli pri prerezani trebušni steni-laparotomiji (skupina TELA). Iz operativnega zapisnika in anestezijskega poročila smo zajeli podatke za primerjavo splošnih kliničnih značilnosti, časa operiranja, izgube krvi, zgodnjih ter poznih pooperativnih zapletov, trajanja zdravljenja na enoti za intenzivno nego ter v bolnišnici. Iz histološkega izvida smo zajeli histopatomorfološke podatke o karcinomu ter število odstranjenih bezgavk pri bolnicah v obeh primerjanih skupinah. Primerjavo vseh parametrov smo vrednotili s Studentovim T-testom za zvezne in s testoma Hi-kvadrat in Mann-Whitney za atributivne spremenljivke. Rezultati. Splošne klinične značilnosti in starost bolnic so bile med skupinama enakomerno porazdeljene. Enako velja za porazdelitev povprečne izgube krvi in zgodnjih pooperativnih zapletov. Dve bolnici, operirani laparoskopsko, sta bili ponovno sprejeti v bolnišnico zaradi pelvičnega abscesa. (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih).